BugFixingDay February 2011

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2020/01/28

Feb 11 2011

Yesterday we've had a #bugfixingday and we've achieved significant results. One of the goals was to make a dent in the Created Bugs vs Closed Bugs ratio.

We wanted to thank all who have participated (Committers and Contributors alike). Here are stats for Committers work:

Name# of Triaged Issues# of Real Bugs Fixed
Sergiu Dumitriu914
Vincent Massol43
Marius Florea22
Ecaterina Moraru22
Thomas Mortagne01
Caleb James Deslisle10

Thanks to the following contributors who helped:

  • Andreas Jonsson
  • Johannes Stoldt

Note that these stats may not reflect 100% of the reality since they rely on people tagging the JIRA issues with the bugfixingday keyword.

Again many thanks to all that have participated!

Let's hope the next bugfixingday will attract more from our 18 active committers.

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