Deprecation Fixing Day 3

Version 5.1 by Vincent Massol on 2014/07/14

Jul 10 2014

As part of our XWiki Days we had a Deprecation Fixing Day on the 10th of HJuly 2014. Its goal was to have the maximum number of XWiki committers and contributors work together to fix the maximum number of deprecation calls and moving deprecated APIs not used anymore to our Legacy modules.

We had 1 committer participating with the following results...

CommitterDeprecated calls fixedAPIs moved to LegacyNew Legacy modules
Thomas Mortagne2800

The Sonar Dashboard says we had 1979 deprecated calls.

Thanks to Thomas who was the only one participating emoticon_unhappy

Note that I (Vincent) tried to participate by moving usage of the old Mail Sender plugin to the new Mail Sender API but I discovered (and fixed) 6 or 7 bugs while doing so which prevented me from finishing...

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