
Version 4.1 by Clément Aubin on 2018/02/15

Feb 15 2018

This blog post is not published yet.

About three years ago, we launched a feedback survey in order to assess the development of the XWiki project. With this survey, we got a lot of ideas and propositions on how to improve the product itself, as well as its ecosystem ; and today, most of the major concerns that were reported at the time are now fixed in the last 9.11.X LTS version.

Features improved during the past three years

Across all the major concerns expressed in the 2015 survey, here are some of the main features that we improved:

  • We enhanced the document edition experience by moving from GWT to CKEditor as our default WYSIWYG editor
  • Extensions do not overwrite wiki home pages anymore when performing an upgrade
  • Several bugs were fixed in the upgrade process and the distribution wizard, allowing XWiki upgrades to be more and more easier
  • In order to keep in touch with the XWiki community, we launched forum.xwiki.org
  • […]

Proposed features and improvments that still have some work to be done

  • Provide well-prepared Flavors for specific use cases
  • Add more platform analytics
  • Improve the tree navigation pane
  • Improve XWiki performances
  • More globally, keep on improving the general usability of XWiki
  • […]

… but wait, there's more !

Once again, we would like to get your opinion on how XWiki is evolving and on which feature you care the most about. You can therefore participate to our new 2018 survey right know by filling out this form! As always, this survey is completely anonymous, and its results will be published on the xwiki.org blog in the next months.

Thank you for taking the time to help us make XWiki a better product!

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