XWiki using Jenkins GitHub Organization Pipeline

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2020/01/28

Feb 02 2017


This is an extract from a blog post by Vincent Massol.

The Jenkins Pipeline plugin includes a very nice feature which is the "GitHub Organization" job type. This job type will scan a given GitHub organization repositories for Jenkinsfile files and when found will automatically create a pipeline job for them.

This has some nice advantages:

  • You save your Jenkins job configuration in your SCM (git in our case, in the Jenkinsfile), next to your code. You can receive email diffs to show who made modifications to it, the reason and understand the changes.
  • It supports branches: when you create a branch it's automatically discovered by Jenkins and the build is executed on it. And if the branch gets removed, it's removed automatically from Jenkins too. This point is awesome for us since we used to have groovy script to execute to copy jobs when there were new branches and when branches were removed.

So we started exploring this for the XWiki project, starting with Contrib Extensions.

Continue reading here.

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