Join the CryptPad & XWiki hackathon in San Francisco

Version 4.1 by Andreea Chirica on 2018/10/12

Oct 12 2018

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Between the 12th and the 20th of October, Ludovic Dubost, Anca Luca and Clément Aubin will be travelling to San Francisco. They're looking forward to meeting contributors and friends from the area, so let them, know if you want to grab a coffee and exchange ideas.

What's more is that you can join themat the hackathon hosted by Noisebridge, on Saturday, 20 October. The event will start with a presentation about CryptPad, the end-to-end encrypted realtime collaboration tool, followed by the hackathon on CryptPad and XWiki, the open source software, where you can bring your contribution to the code.

The host will be Steve Phillips, creator of CrypTag & Cypherpunks Write Code and lead developer of LeapChat. Noisebridge is a hackerspace for technical-creative projects, doocratically run by its members. They are a non-profit educational institution intended for public benefit. Located in the heart of San Francisco, their motto is: We teach, we learn, we share. 

For more details about the event read a blog article posted on the XWiki SAS blog.

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