Replication 2.0.0 Released

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2024/05/30

May 30 2024

The new major version of the Replication Application is now available.

The user interface, the behavior of the standard replication in general or the format of the metadata did not really change much. The main reason for the increment of the major version is the fact that the API has been completely re-written, because it was starting to be both too complex and too limited for custom needs. Also, this version now requires XWiki 14.10 or more.

Main new features for developers includes:

  • a new filtering system for received messages, allowing to reject or convert them "on the fly"
  • a new question/answer system between instances
  • the controller can decide a lot more things than it used to, but it also has less to implement for many use cases which are now generic code based on the replication configuration provided by the controller

A few administration helpers have been added:

  • it's possible to remove messages waiting to be sent (which means they will be lost)

It also includes various bugfixes which are not fixed in the 1.12.x branch (which is now abandoned, unless a recent blocker regression would be reported), so it's recommended to move to it.

See Replication Application for more details.

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