Highlights of the XWiki 8.x Cycle

Version 5.1 by Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) on 2017/08/01

Aug 01 2017

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Here are some highlights of what done during the XWiki 8.x Cycle.

1461 issues closed: 745 bugs closed, 423 improvements, 66 new features and more!

The 8.x cycle focused a lot on usability and consistency, starting with a new homepage that is more easy to edit, and continuing with tours and more help information in form of tips. 

We replaced the old GWT WYSIWYG editor with the CKEditor, making sure you can configure it to your needs.

We started providing more default page templates and made the Application Within Minutes to create automatically the template for your new application. You can define creation and the visibility restrictions for the page template, choose an icon and description, for an optimal display in the creation step.

We also added recommendations for extensions in Extension Manager and many more other improvements.


Our top 10 features are:

XWiki 8.4.5 is our current LTS (Long Term Support) version and you can download it. Check out the new features and you can provide feedback and improvements suggestions at forum.xwiki.org.

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