XWiki 71 Released

Version 1.1 by Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) on 2015/06/15

Jun 15 2015

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki Enterprise 7.1.

This release adds important changes and improvements for Extension Manager, Solr Search, Watchlist, a new experimental Flavors mechanism and a Debug mode for performance analysis. 

Extension Manager provides a summary for the extension diff view in order to ease the navigation of the local code changes. A new Extension History section has also been added, offering support for selective export, import and replay of extension-related history records. 

Solr Search UI is improved by making it responsive on small screens. The users can now sort, paginate and filter the search results without a page reload. 

The Flavors and Watchlist Realtime option are currently still experimental, but you are encouraged to test them and provide feedback. 

The WatchList performance has been improved, especially for the Realtime notification option. The Realtime Watchlist messages are displayed in a more user-friendly way, sending mails for a variety of events, threaded by your email client by the document they occurred in.

The Flavor mechanism is allowing the selection of Flavors in the wiki creation step. In the future, XWiki will offer different Flavors and these are steps towards this direction.

Under-the-hood there are various mail and job module improvements. The developers can now trigger old Prototype event listeners from jQuery and a new API is available to escape wiki syntax.

See the release notes for more information.

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