XWiki 7.2 Released

Version 1.1 by Guillaume Delhumeau on 2015/09/24

Sep 24 2015

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The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki Enterprise 7.2 Release.

This release is probably one of the biggest releases we have done in XWiki for years (more than 900 commits)! We have worked hard during all the summer to finally achieve the introduction of a new concept: Nested Pages. This big change affects both the platform and the user interface, and you will discover many differences while using XWiki.


As a consequence, we do not recommend using this version in production because we still need to fine-tune the UI to fully adapt it to Nested Pages. This will be done in XWiki 7.3. However, in order to flush out all issues, especially about usability, please try upgrading to this version and play with it to let us know what you like/don't like. There's still time to adjust things. Thanks for your help!

For developers, this release also introduces a new Script right and some changes in the REST, Job and Refactoring modules, just to list a few...

Finally, it also brings a lot of bugs fixes!

See the release notes for more information.

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