XWiki Enterprise 2.2.5 and XWiki Enterprise Manager 2.2.5 Released

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2020/01/28

Apr 16 2010

The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager 2.2.5.

This is a bug fix release for the 2.2 branches.


  • [XSCOLIBRI-206] - Use isInPortletMode and isInServletMode velocity variables instead of querying context mode
  • [XWIKI-5095] - Introduce isInPortletMode and isInServletMode velocity variables and use them instead of querying context mode
  • [XWIKI-5096] - Prevent ActionFilter from being called recursively and map it only to the action servlet
  • [XWIKI-5097] - Make sure SavedRequestRestorerFilter is not applied recursively
  • [XWIKI-5114] - Allow controlling the depth of headers to look for when generating titles from document's content

Important Bugs fixed

  • [XSCOLIBRI-207] - Printing problems with displaying content and comments
  • [XPMAIL-24] - If there is an exception while sending mail which has no message (NPE) another exception is thrown hiding the real one.
  • [XWIKI-5076] - Fail to parse content with macro containing only a newline
  • [XWIKI-5085] - OfficeImporter does not set title of imported documents
  • [XWIKI-5086] - OfficeImporter is generating absolute links when performing splitting operations
  • [XWIKI-5087] - Paging History is broken
  • [XWIKI-5093] - Cancel edit JavaScript handler doesn't check if the URL fragment is present before appending the query string
  • [XWIKI-5094] - Administration rights editor cannot be used in portlet mode
  • [XWIKI-5107] - URLs are not escaped in link labels if link meta data is missing
  • [XWIKI-5109] - The application/x-www-form-urlencoded reader for objects and properties is broken
  • [XWIKI-5116] - NPE during resolution of XClassReference
  • [XWIKI-5119] - In a subwiki, a global user cannot save global documents
  • [XE-634] - RecentChanges fails to display with some mysql versions

For more information see the XWiki Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager release notes.

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