XWiki at FOSDEM 2018

Version 7.1 by Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) on 2018/02/06

Feb 06 2018

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On 3 & 4 February 2018 we've participated to FOSDEM 2018, the annual Open Source Developers’ European Meeting. 

We've joined forces again with Tiki and FOSWiki and had a stand, where we shared information about our project, made demos, gave away stickers and other goodies. Lots of people were interested in XWiki, which is always nice to see. Talking face to face with our users and contributors always sparks interesting conversations and we have the FOSDEM crew to thank for making this possible.

XWiki SAS sponsored 12 XWikiers to participate to the event and 6 of us held 8 presentations around XWiki or other general interest topics. Here are some videos recordings from the event:

Vincent MassolTesting and automationAdvanced testing in action on a Java project
Ludovic DubostCommunityXWiki: a case study on managing corporate and community interests - 14 years of Open Source in a Small Co.
Ecaterina MoraruOpen Source DesignIcon Themes - Reusable icon variables and mappings for customisable user interfaces
Vincent MassolLightning TalksAddressing the long tail of applications
Ludovic DubostLightning TalksTips & Tricks to finance an Open Source Project without selling your soul

Vincent shared more about his experience at the event, while you can also check what people tweeted about #xwiki.

FOSDEM is an event we always look forward to, so see you next year!

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