On 7 Apr 2012 we had the pleasure to hold a training about XWiki's Development Process to about 30 students, most of them from "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania.
We (Marius Florea, Eduard Moraru, Ecaterina Moraru and Raluca Stavro) presented the development process from a commiter's point of view, covering aspects like:
- release cycle,
- release process,
- roadmap,
- source management,
- build management,
- continuous integration,
- etc.
We had demos on our major development tools (Git, Jira, Eclipse + plugins, Maven, Jenkins ) that are needed to create, maintain, test and develop our Java based project XWiki Enterprise.
You can have a sneak peek at our slides:
In the future we hope to encourage much more students to be part of the Open Source universe and to do development in the open.