The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki Enterprise 1.9 Release Candidate 1. First release candidate of the XWiki Enterprise 1.9 version.
Main changes over XWiki Enterprise 1.9 Milestone 2:
- The default syntax is now 'xwiki/2.0' which means that new documents will be created with this syntax. Note that XWiki Enterprise documents (user profile, recent changes, etc) are still using the "xwiki/1.0" syntax, they will be migrated during the 2.0 release cycle.
- WYSIWYG Improvements
- Ability to insert level 6 headings
- Allow adding and editing lists in table cells
- Allow adding complex content inside list items
- Important Bugs fixed
- Many WYSIWYG bugs fixed
- Many 2.0 syntax bugs fixed
- Many 1.0 to 2.0 conversion bugs fixed
For more information see the Release notes.