In order to find the information you're looking for, you can use the search feature of your browser to search for FAQ entries displayed on this page or use the search box below.
218 Answered FAQs (latest first) |
56 Unanswered FAQs (latest first) |
- Would it be possible for the administrator to decide which groups are allowed to create spaces?
- How to control entries available in contentmenu div in colibri skin?
- How can you set xwiki up to make a new page within a space using a form / table?
- When I start-up xwiki, command prompt says "Access Denied" (i have win7 w/admin rights)
- How can I make content appear only for a specific group?
- How can I make content appear only for a specific user?
- How can I view the content of an attached Office-/PDF-File on a page? (not only a link)
- How do I change the archive date on the archive panel?
- How to merge some cells in the xwiki editor ?
- How to create a one-to-many relationship in XWiki?
- How do I disable the Document versioning?
- Image problem in pdf export
- How to be informed of the new releases of XWiki?
- How to develop my own web application on xwiki
- How do i configure xwiki to work with other db other than hsqldb?
- Why I am getting NullPointerException-getting wiki preference
- How to pass revision of a document to be compared along with an URL?
- When i click on 'administration' button, i got this error: Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page /templates/admin.vm Wrapped Exception: Failed to evaluate content with id \[/templates/admin.vm\]
- How can you make a panel appear for certain groups of wiki users, and hide it for others?
- I get a blank page , the Tomcat-Adminpages works fine!
- How do I enforce page locks, preventing users from overriding them?
- How can I use the GWT WYSISWYG editor ?
- While installing x-wiki, i am getting this error "The registry refers to a nonexistent Java Runtime Environment installation or the runtime is corrupted."
- How can an external networked file be linked?
- Is it possible to merge two xwikis databases into a single one?
- Is xwiki support international?
- How can i give right to users to modify their own profile and not all the xwiki space?
- How do I add a "section" (represented by "1" in wiki editor) using the WYSIWYG editor?
- Does XWiki have any copyright problem?
- How to restrict attachment formats? For example, allow only images as attachment
- Why do I have messages like "Deprecated usage of method com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.parseInt" in XWiki's console log ?
- How to request a HTTP Web Service from a XWiki Document
- How to delete all or just some document versions? I'd like to keep e.g. only the initial, several important interim versions and the last one. I don't want to re-create the page as I need the version numbers as they were originally. Any Idea?
- How do I increase the length of attachment filename from 25 characters?
- I want to add one additional panel in edit mode for my special needs, such as panels for Xwiki syntax. How to do it?
- What are work and temp directories and what xwiki is using them for?
- good empty question
- Where can I find a overview for the XWiki syntax?
- Is there any German translation for the standard pages available
- How do I get the space I'm in through Code?
- How do I continue a list using XWiki syntax? If Iseparate list items with a code block or other text, XWiki restarts the list numbering.
- When upload the accessories at the xwiki1.3 version, all Chinese will be deleted in file name.
- How do I retrieve properties from a class?
- Why do my panels change expanded-collapsed status?
- How to upgrade an XWiki ZIP distribution?
- How do I create custom colored links for a specific page only?
- How do I create an Image Map in XWiki?
- I am going to develop a web application using XWiki, but i would like use HTML Editor(like FCKEditor), but not Wiki Editor, How can i do that?
- Why do I get a blank page?
- How to delete an inaccessible document?
- How can I access private XWiki RSS feeds from my feed reader?
- How to Create a new page in a selected space insted of current space?
- How to get numbered sections?
- How to use the custom authentication service?
- How to solve a Java Heap Memory Error?
- How do I get the syntax-help panel to also show in inline mode?
- My xwiki doesn't send mails when a watched space chage because it doesn't know my SMTP server. How can I configure SMTP server name and password?
- Can I install XWiki with java 1.6?
- How can I replace the top menu?
- What are the advantages of XWiki when compared with Confluence
- What are the objects available to velocity (context) and what are their properties ?
- How do I get the title of a document ?
- How can I list the documents of a space ? What is the hibernate query ?
- How doi install XWiki on my Own Webspace?? Got a hosted Webspace with a domain ftp php jsp mysql and i think its an apache running but i have no access to the server itself
- How to delete a Blog Category "News"? I've removed all categories from BlogCategories, but News still remains as a default value.
- How do you change the date formating from dd/MM/yyyy to MM/dd/yyyy?
- How to get Xwiki() object in my own application in the same java as Xwiki started
- How to change a password?
- How are attachments on XWiki pages saved when exporting files.
- how do i change one source file?
- How to add a photo gallery into a page ?
- can we search attachments in xwiki?
- How can a page be created from a 'template' page?
- How can I set a tag for a page?
- What can XWiki be used for?
- How can I deploy XWiki under OC4J?
- How can I use the GraphVizPlugin plugin ?
- How are macros used? I tried to use the \#warning("Hello World") macro but all I got was the output "\#warning("Hello World")".
- Is there an e-mail-notification integrated, which automatically sends an e-mail to a moderator of the xWiki, when a page has been modified? Would make it easier to review modifications and keep the data clean.
- How to enable the align toolbar in WYSIWYG editor?
- how we can create FAQ for every spaces ?
- Is it possible to automatically change the parent of a page, when its parent is deleted?
- How can I specify a log out page?
- How to give XWikiAllGroup global delete rights?
- Is it possible to insert Widgets and Gadgets in wiki pages?
- How to configure XWiki for UTF-8 or any other non-default encoding?
- How can I create links automatically, e.g. if page exists for specific term, other pages with this term should show the link?
- How to increase the maximum attachment size
- Why I get errors when I import .xar file?
- How do you search FAQs
- What is the template wich saves a page after clickin' the option "Save and view"?
- Can I and if so, how do I change the order of spaces in the side bar?
- How do i Add the edit button to the side of the document
- Is there a (simple) way to get xwiki working with Microsoft SQL Server Database?
- Why am I getting a NullPointerException when uploading files?
- How to move a page between spaces?
- What is the correct syntax for specifying a link that should open in a new browser window? Is the syntax different for internal references versus HTTP links to external documents?
- How to implement a custom radeox filter or macro?
- How can I change the email of an existing user? The user form doesnt provide a field for that.
- How can I upgrade XWIKI from an older Version?
- How to edit pages efficiently?
- How do i access the XML/RPC Remote API documentation?
- How can I create document/page without to create a link? (like in snipsnap, just by calling "new")
- Is there a way to recover a deleted or lost document
- How To Deploy Xwiki in Eclipse Without a WAR File
- How do I recover my password if I have forgotten it?
- How can i forbid registration ?
- How can I escape out quotation marks from a string with Velocity?
- Am I Allowed to make a wiki in another langage than French or english?
- How to create nested pages
- How do I delete comments?
- How can I display a user's first and last name using just the XWiki.username. ie Instead of having to John Smith>XWiki.jsmith can I just specify XWiki.jsmith and automatically display the first and last name ?
- How Do I Modify The Title of My Blog
- How to create a page?
- XWiki does not start when installed
- How can I display a user's first and last name using just the XWiki.username. ie instead of having to John Smith>XWiki.jsmith can I just specify XWiki.jsmith and automatically display the first and last name. user's first name and last name
- How do I generate a word export ?
- How Can I split a page to multiple pages and Do Paging
- How do you tell (from script) which mode a document is in? (view, edit, inline, etc....)
- Can you create a page pointing to all pages with a certain property value?
- How do I create a link to a file / folder on the local filesystem?
- What is the format of a static list property ?
- How do I edit or delete a comment?
- How to revert the comments order
- How to view a page's code
- How to Remove the toolbar?
- How do I pre-populate Question field on FAQClassSheet with entry from Create-FAQ-Entry form?
- Hello World Plugin
- In the photo album, can photos be given a caption?
- How to configure mod_jk.conf to connect xwiki on port 80 with apache connector?
- How to add user into group from groovy.
- how to use a image on the sidebar in all spaces and pages?
- How do I prevent Users from Registering Themselves
- How do I authenticate users with a LDAP server?
- Where can I find the source for the default macro tags like \#\flickrtag
- How do I setup a virtual Wiki ?
- I'm where I can find the css attributes of for example the rss tag?
- Where do I make the changes to allow for a differently sized logo?
- How do you go back to your menu page and edit?
- How do I edit the XWiki.XWikiLogin page?
- How Do I Embed Xwiki Code As Text?
- How do I show navigation links to Parent and Children Pages
- How to change the color of the top action bar?
- How do I set up a FAQ system like the one on XWiki.com for my own wiki?
- How to delete a page
- How do I display comments associated with a page on that page?
- How do I make my XWiki private?
- What is a Class ?
- How do I create a secure signon page?
- How to I add or change a left or right side Menu ?
- How to add or delete users
- Is it possible to concatenate different versions of a document ?
- Do wikis get deleted if left unused for a while?
- How to make a Local Wiki ?
- What Is XWiki?
- How do I remove a photo album?
- How do I prevent anonymous users to view my wiki pages?
- How do I find the backlinks to a given page?
- How do I change the default language?
- Why does the register page not work if I modify it ?
- Document Inscription
- How Do I a search within the Wiki?
- How do I create blogs in xwiki
- How to view a page's history?
- How do you create sub pages?
- How to create a document template ?
- How To Put On The Sidebar Like The XWiki Homepage ?
- How do I insert a link to an external WEB site's URL?
- How To Delete A News Item?
- How to create a space?
- How Do I View Recent Changes?
- How do I remove users from XWikIAllGroup
- How does the rights system work ?
- How to set Space Preferences?
- How do you change the logo?
- Can I run xWiki on www.domain.com/bin/view/Content instead of www.domain.com/xwiki/bin/view/Content ?
- How can I get back admin rights when I removed them by accident from my user?
- How to remove a property from a class ?
- Where is the export and backup facility?
- Is there a way to rename a page?
- How Do You Upload An Attachment (.doc,.pdf) And Display It ?
- How to create a skin?
- How do I display "Table Of Contents" for My current Page
- How do I modify the look and feel of the google ad
- How Do I Authorise A User On My Wiki?
- How to edit a page?
- Is it possible to provide a demo package for implementing a web with own Class Template and Class Sheet (e.g your FAQ archive)?
- How Do I Set Up Security Or Permissions On My Wiki To Prevent Unauthorized Access?
- How can I make a link to another place at the same page ?
- What is Inline mode?
- Can I run XWiki behind a Reverse-Proxy (does XWiki use only relative links)?
- How can I list the email addresses of users registered on my wiki?
- How do you change the main menu?
- Where is a working demo of how to use forms (i.e. structured data)? How does one set up fields? Is the data versioned properly?
- Does xwiki support sectional editing of documents? If so, how?
- How do you add a statistics menu?
- How do I use an attachment from another page in my current page. For example in MyStuff.Here, I want to use a gif in Commons.Pictures?
- Is it possible to create multiple wiki farms/instances (like SnipSnap)?
- Is it possible to skip the "Add a News Item" input box and go straight to a text editor when adding an update? I would like to allow my wiki users to click a link that takes them to the text editor, then let them input a title, category and content withou
- What does edit forms do?
- I no longer need the wiki, how do I delete it?
- How do I delete/modify an event on the calendar?
- How do I add mathematical formulas on a page?
- How do I add animation: animated gif's, flash/shockwave content, and web3d items to my wiki?
- Adding text seems easy, but Images ?
- How do I create new groups ?
- How to include an image on wiki page?
- What controls the different behavior of the "Edit this page" button
- How do I find out how much of my free (5Mb) disk quota I'm using up?
- What is a skin?
- Why does the menu show up badly when using Opera
- How to Import other Wiki markups ?
- How to make a photo album using XWiki?
- Could someone help me change my background color to black?
- International Characters show up as question marks in Links
- What is a wiki?
- What is a Space?
- How to restore previous page versions
- How to create a space for the indexing which I build it
- How can I grant and revoke the space access right? I tried to revoke the view, comment, edit and delete from a group but it does not work
- how to create a local link for a new page with a simple button like a FAQ ?
- How to write an activity stream macros in my custom template file?e.g.i can use "#displayActivity()"
- How do I change the forecolor of text which has a link to wiki page. If the link opens a new window, I can change the forecolor but the link opens in the same window, I cannot change the color.
- How can you make a template using HTML?
- Why I do not have the edit buttons at the rigth side of my wiki page? this only happens at my home computer
- Can I authorise users on my xwiki from another site/database?
- How to allow WYSIWYG text editing in comment field?
- How is structured information stored in the database?
- Is there a way to import content that has been exported from a Confluence site?
- How to configure XWiki to use siteminder for authentication
- How to get / install / configure the laszlo plugin
- How add cookie after login?
Is is possible to add an own cookie after a user has logged in?
- How do I make upload automatic for an external file?
- How do I enable view/edit rights for an user on a page, so that the user is not allow to edit/view the page access rights?
- How do I allow an user to view/edit the contents of a page, but prevent him from viewing and changing the access rights of that page?
- Is there a way to append the "?skin=xxx" to links on the wiki page? (Similar to Struts and GET parameter behavior in links)
- How can I delete more than one article at once?
- How can we implement blog posts tagging for view blog posts in tag cloud?
- Is there a way to create a separate (diffrerent) blogs in each space/page?
- Is there any possible way to integrate (authenticate) XWiki with CAS ?I managed to integrate XWiki with LDAP.
- How I can do (for use AD LDAP) Authentication if Windows 2003 server if Win2003 is used GSS-API method (XWiki is using the simle method) ?
- how can i display tags in a checkbox?
- How can we display the Tags in the CheckBox? And how can this tag choice be given for Blogs?
- How to hide all the space and his panels + links from the user? when this user has 'view = deny' of that space, the space continues to show its links; the user can clicks on them, but the page doesn't load, I want to hide all the space from the user
- How to reset the panel for blog categories?
- Why only some paths to js- and css- files are defined with the parameter ?true?, and the other path - not? i.e getSkinFile("import.js", true)" versus getSkinFile("skin.js")"
- If there are pages-A,B,C,D. And B,C,D all have links pointing to A. These links are XWiki tags. How to count these managed links.
- why I am getting this error This object is currently locked by Administrator when i click on anyl ink
- How get different Menu and Toolbar for Each Space using Panel? I used to do this on earlier XWIKI using {Space}.Menu and {Space}.Toolbar
- how to intall my search with public rights (the default is with de default is with admin rights)
- How can I choose users of one definite group for an objects. There is users list type when editing class but it shows all users.
- For Example I have object A view form. How to make form that creates chiild objects (objects with parent A) on A's view form and how can I show child objects(with parent A) for A in that form.
- (Empty question)
- How to align text in wiki edit mode?
- When I try to start a new category for the bloggs it does not work. I use IE. What's wrong?
- How to do lucence search in our personal xwiki website portal?we don't know where are the changes in needed in hardcode?
- Count of User registered by day, week month ?
- Why i cannot log out with activated cookies?
- Page insertion through database :: I would like to add a lot of pages into a xwiki to transfer information from xml file to xwiki.
- How can i add an personal space, which is not showing generally to all users?
- translation of the documentation ? if there is not and if an admin can activate (ie: french) language link (if possible?) i will be please to help updating the documentation's translation process? (and i think i wont be alone..)
- How to show the International Characters in normal format (non-unicode format).
- Can I set view/edit/delete permissions by category? I want an easy way to divide personal and public journal entries, without having to edit permissions on a per-page basis, after writing each entry.
- How do I view and/or delete any/all documents in my Wiki?
- How do I 'make a page' as instructed in the Tutorial under the Blog section?
- How does it come that in some pages you see questionmarks behind URL's and in other pages not? And how do you solve this without having to make the same page twice?
- I deleted the complete news dir, can I get a new one?
- Is it possible to invoke web services and if so how?
- Currently there is a page count for the entire wiki site. How can we implement page count on individual page?
- How can I add visitor counters to pages?
- How can users create their own separate blogs?
- Is there a way to show the number of existing pages in a space ?
- How to add Instant Messenging Presence Indicators
- When to use Edit this Page, Edit Content or Edit HTML?